Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Vet Ad • For Those About to Rock...

for spacious skies...


Over the past few years the Deanna Cremin Memorial Foundation has been working on several different projects to pay tribute to all of the brave men and women that serve for our country in service. It is through repsect and admiration that we work on these projects, and hope to continue with more in the near future. Please contact any of the usernames at flickr that the images on this blog take you to, and we will be more than happy to provide you with information on getting your project started soon. This particular blog is more in reflection and as a result will not contain the usual tutorials and so on. Thank you again so much to all the Men and Women of our Armed Forces as well as the familieis that they come from.

Apollo11 | 40 years later... GrfxDziner.com | vetad
GrfxDziner.com | US Soldier Tribute in Rememberance of Deanna Cremin curly1a GrfxDziner.com | US Soldier Tribute in Rememberance of Deanna Cremin

LunaticFringe peace2 blueMoon


GrfxDziner.com | Deanna Cremin Memorial Foundation original video [above] 12[up]19[dn]11[up]25[dn]12[dn]8[dn]18[dn]C16[dn]2[dn]7[dn]
Stairway to Heaven GrfxDziner.com
Boston Herald | Deanna Cremin articles | Articles on Deanna Cremin... Somerville, MA

News 7 |WHDH • Boston
screenAnarchy [Somerville Boxing] Missing video CODE: CBS
<script type='text/javascript' src='http://CBSBOS.images.worldnow.com/interface/js/WNVideo.js?rnd=125706;hostDomain=video.boston.cbslocal.com;playerWidth=400;playerHeight=300;isShowIcon=true;clipId=8726546;flvUri=;partnerclipid=;adTag=News;advertisingZone=CBS.BOSTON%252Fworldnowplayer;enableAds=true;landingPage=;islandingPageoverride=false;playerType=STANDARD_EMBEDDEDscript;controlsType=fixed'></script><a href="http://video.boston.cbslocal.com" title=""></a>

Missing vide CODE: Fox 25 News
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" id="video" width="400" height="350" data="http://www.myfoxboston.com/video/videoplayer.swf?dppversion=6494"><param value="http://www.myfoxboston.com/video/videoplayer.swf?dppversion=6494" name="movie"/><param value="&skin=MP1ExternalAll-MFL.swf&embed=true&adSrc=http%3A%2F%2Fad%2Edoubleclick%2Enet%2Fadx%2Ftsg%2Ewfxt%2Fnews%2Fmetro%2Fdetail%3Bdcmt%3Dtext%2Fxml%3Bpos%3D%3Btile%3D2%3Bfname%3Dvigil%2Dfor%2Ddeanna%2Dcremin%2Din%2Dsomerville%2D20100329%3Bloc%3Dembed%3Bsz%3D320x240%3Bord%3D771098244646480900%3Frand%3D0%2E7760324886450068&flv=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Emyfoxboston%2Ecom%2Ffeeds%2FoutboundFeed%3FobfType%3DVIDEO%5FPLAYER%5FSMIL%5FFEED%26componentId%3D132035919&img=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia2%2Emyfoxboston%2Ecom%2F%2Fphoto%2F2010%2F03%2F29%2F032910%5Fdeanna%5Fcremin%5Ftmb0000%5F20100329223758%5F640%5F480%2EJPG&story=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Emyfoxboston%2Ecom%2Fdpp%2Fnews%2Flocal%2Fvigil%2Dfor%2Ddeanna%2Dcremin%2Din%2Dsomerville%2D20100329" name="FlashVars"/><param value="all" name="allowNetworking"/><param value="always" name="allowScriptAccess"/></object>
712ErrandCollageFull [windMill] pinkEagle [1] 5.30.20 Memorial Day pinkEagle II [6.8.20]

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Deanna Cremin Memorial Foundation • Dollface

seperation anxiety 2

Aaaaaarrrrrggh2 AaaaaarrrrrgghOrig

Lesson 6A: Digital Retouch...Make Up:
Lesson6A1 Lesson6A2 Lesson6A3 JessicaWithers2
Automatic Download of 3-Page tutorial in .PDF format:
Digital Retouching • Make Up | GrfxDziner.com

hair  II hair

Links to all the pages for this section:
Influences of Form: Annie Leibovitz (1 of 4) Influences of Form: Annie Leibovitz (2 of 4) Influences of Form: Annie Leibovitz (3 of 4) Influences of Form: Annie Leibovitz (4 of 4)
Just click the above thumbnails for larger sizes.

Link for the interview I refer to on the first page of this section.
An amazing interview. Very revealing as to the mind of such an incredible artist:
foto TAPETA • Interview with Annie Leibovitz


These may help you some too....
Robert Mapplethorpe | The many influences of form... The many influences of form: Herb Ritts The many influences of form: Bruce Weber (1 of 2) The many influences of form: Bruce Weber (2 of 2)
Just click the thumbnails for larger sizes.

Food for Thought... from gwennie2006:

Billboard Design | $20,000.00 Reward! GrfxDziner.com | Deanna Cremin Memorial Foundation
Stairway to Heaven GrfxDziner.com
Boston Herald | Deanna Cremin articles | Articles on Deanna Cremin... Somerville, MA

Justice for Deanna Cremin
the UnSolved Murder of Deanna Cremin...
aired on Fox25 News
by, Investigator/Reporter Bob Ward...
Saturday, November 11, 2006 (5PM; 6PM; 10PM; 11PM) - Thank You!!

very much!

flickr HiveMind | MyFoxBoston (recent uploads)