Friday, September 18, 2009

Shoot the Moon...

The Moon is always such an interesting thing to shoot, and all of the phases can inspire you as well. Please click the images here from the Deanna Cremin Memorial Foundation. Each will take you to photo page on flickr with more things you might like too....

moonRise | gwennie2006: | moonRise

lunaticFringe | gwennie2006: | LunaticFringe

blueMoon | HiltonFan: | blueMoon

flickr HiveMind: Search | Lunar + DCmemorialFoundation

Eye of a designer... Where to begin to look
Eye of a Designer: part 1 (1 of 3) Eye of a Designer: part 1 (2 of 3) Eye of a Designer: part 1 (3 of 3)

Eye of a Designer... Part One: Where to begin to look | PDF download •

Leonard P. Zakim • New York Times
Leonard Zakim • Learn To
Leonard Zakim Memorial Bridge • A prized jewel in Boston, Massachusetts
Lenny's Story • Cancer and the Quality of Life
Leonard P. Zakim • Wikipedia

Apollo 11 and amoré2 | gwennie2006:
Apollo11 | 40 years later... | amoré2

Willow Flycatcher | gwennie2006: | Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii)

Billboard Design | $20,000.00 Reward! | Deanna Cremin Memorial Foundation
Stairway to Heaven
Boston Herald | Deanna Cremin articles | Articles on Deanna Cremin... Somerville, MA

Justice for Deanna Cremin
the UnSolved Murder of Deanna Cremin...
aired on Fox25 News
by, Investigator/Reporter Bob Ward...
Saturday, November 11, 2006 (5PM; 6PM; 10PM; 11PM) - Thank You!! very much!

flickr HiveMind | MyFoxBoston (recent uploads)

CODE for missing FOX25 video...
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" id="video" width="400" height="350" data=""><param value="" name="movie"/><param value="&skin=MP1ExternalAll-MFL.swf&embed=true&adSrc=http%3A%2F%2Fad%2Edoubleclick%2Enet%2Fadx%2Ftsg%2Ewfxt%2Fnews%2Fmetro%2Fdetail%3Bdcmt%3Dtext%2Fxml%3Bpos%3D%3Btile%3D2%3Bfname%3Dvigil%2Dfor%2Ddeanna%2Dcremin%2Din%2Dsomerville%2D20100329%3Bloc%3Dembed%3Bsz%3D320x240%3Bord%3D771098244646480900%3Frand%3D0%2E7760324886450068&flv=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Emyfoxboston%2Ecom%2Ffeeds%2FoutboundFeed%3FobfType%3DVIDEO%5FPLAYER%5FSMIL%5FFEED%26componentId%3D132035919&img=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia2%2Emyfoxboston%2Ecom%2F%2Fphoto%2F2010%2F03%2F29%2F032910%5Fdeanna%5Fcremin%5Ftmb0000%5F20100329223758%5F640%5F480%2EJPG&story=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Emyfoxboston%2Ecom%2Fdpp%2Fnews%2Flocal%2Fvigil%2Dfor%2Ddeanna%2Dcremin%2Din%2Dsomerville%2D20100329" name="FlashVars"/><param value="all" name="allowNetworking"/><param value="always" name="allowScriptAccess"/></object>